Outdoor Playground Multiplay System

Outdoor Double Slide Multiplay System

Outdoor Double Slide Multiplay System Manufacturer

Double Slide lets kids go sliding two by two at a time.slides introduce a great opportunity for children to learn important social skills like sharing and taking turns. Waiting in line develops patience and self-regulation skills. We are looking for Dealer for Outdoor Playground Equipment and outdoor multiplay System in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat, Baroda , Gandhinagar, Bhavnagar and Rajkot.

double slide multiplay system

Product Code : RMPS-04

Product Area

18’-0" X 13’-0"

Safe Play Area

28’-0" X 23’-0"

Intended for Age Group

5-15 Years

Maximum Fall Height


10 Children can Play at a time

Outdoor Multiplay System Manufacture Outdoor Multiplay System Dealer Doubl Slide for School Doubl Slide for Pre-School Outdoor Multiplay System for School Double Slide Multiplay System Outdoor Multiplay System for Park double slide For Playground